Hey everybody! I’m Manny and my passion is making music that would lead people all over the word to encounter Jesus.

Growing up, I’ve had the privilege of serving on many worship teams, serving in different areas (keys, acoustic guitar, drums). Since 2008, I’ve been the music director of New Wine, a worship team birthed out of King Jesus International Ministry in Miami, Florida. It has been so fun and an immense honor to travel the world with this team and impact so many nations with so many styles of music and in different languages. I’ve also had the pleasure of producing, arranging, and recording keys on their albums. From pre-production like songwriting and sound design, to running rehearsals and editing audio in post-production, I’ve come to grow and learn so much with this team.

I’m married to my lovely wife Emmeline, and we currently reside in Miami, Florida with our two kids.